About Us
The Port de Grave Peninsula Heritage Society exists to promote and preserve the Peninsula’s history.
It was formed because of a genuine love of this special place, a desire to share it with visitors from near and far, and a determination to continue a 500-year tradition of perseverance, preservation, and progress.
Comprising a Board led and supported by local volunteers, the Society oversees several Committees of the Board. These include committees for finance and fundraising; membership and communications; special projects, recognition and research; and crafts, social, food and special events.
Officers, Directors and Staff
An initial meeting of persons interested in preserving the heritage of Port De Grave and Bareneed was held on February 18, 1993. The outcome of the meeting was the formation of the Port De Grave Peninsula Heritage Society Inc.
The Society was re-established on April 11, 2016.
The following is a listing of the current Board members:
President…………………………………………………………………………………Roland Andrews
1st Vice President…………………………………………………………………..Lynnette Ogden
Treasurer…………………………………………………………………………………..Barbara Dawe
Secretary…………………………………………………………………………………..Lorna Roberts
Director………………………………………………………………………………………Vernon Petten
Director………………………………………………………………………………………Ross Petten
Director………………………………………………………………………………………Lily Petten
Director………………………………………………………………………………………Marguerite Boone
Director………………………………………………………………………………………Effie Boone
Director……………………………………………………………………………………….Robert Ball
Director……………………………………………………………………………………….Adrian Lear
Director……………………………………………………………………………………….Olive Anstey
Director……………………………………………………………………………………….Karen Morris
Maintenance………………………………………………………………………………Carl Tucker
The Port de Grave Peninsula Heritage Society Inc was formed in 1993 and is a registered charitable organization. It has its own by-laws and constitution and is operated by a Board of Directors who are all volunteers. Over the past few years it has been very active in the amount of work that it has accomplished.
Some of our accomplishments are as follows:
Recognition of native son in the person of Canon Richards of Bareneed, who became a missionary to the people of the Northern Peninsula and Southern Labrador
Acquisition of the Green Point Light station from the Government of Canada to the PDGPHS
Designation of the Light Station as a Historic Site by Parks Canada
Establishment of a Crown Lands Reserve in the area of the Light Station by the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador — consisting of 18.5 hectares
Continuation of the Light House Road (approximately 2 kms) as far east as the Light Station itself
Construction of Viewing stands by the Light Station
Acquisition of the St. Marks Property to include St. Marks Church and School in Bareneed
2018 opening of the school house in Bareneed as the “Canon Richards Tea Room”, managed by the PDGPHS
Thanks for checking out our website, take your time and browse through all the pages. There are many interesting links and stories in all our pages. Find out a little bit of what’s happening here on the Peninsula!
For more information please check out our Heritage page: Port de Grave Peninsula
There are a number of Facebook pages connected to the Port de Grave Peninsula photos and news from the Peninsula:
Port de Grave Peninsula Heritage Society
Port de Grave Boat Lighting & Community News
Port de Grave Pictures from the Past
The Many Faces of the Port de Grave Peninsula
Anglican Parish of Port de Grave
Port de Grave Pentecostal Church
YouTube: Some great memories Port de Grave Peninsula Heritage Society
Twitter: Port de Grave Peninsula Heritage Society
APP available on iPhone and Android devices. A great app it will show you around important places on the Port de Grave Peninsula. The Peninsula App