Adult Dance
St. Luke’s Hall. BYOB. Tickets are $15 each. There will be a 50/50 draw.
Event sponsored by Boat Lighting Committee.
Christmas Sing A-Long & Gospel Concert
St. Luke’s Vestry Christmas Sing-A-Long & Gospel Concert.
A free will offering will be taken.
Journey to Bethlehem
Hosted by the Port de Grave Pentecostal Tabernacle. To register, contact the church office at 709-786-6481.
Journey to Bethlehem
Hosted by the Port de Grave Pentecostal Tabernacle. To register, contact the church office at 709-786-6481.
The Navigators - A Show For All Ages
St. Luke’s Church. Doors Open at 7:00 p.m.
Event sponsored by Boat Lighting Committee.
Boat Lighting Ceremony
Join us to help celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the Boat Lighting.
Presented by TriNav Group, sponsored by the Port de Grave Boat Lighting Committee.
Lighting of the Crabpot Tree
Come and share in the Lighting of the Crabpot Tree.
Event sponsored by the PDG Peninsula Heritage Society.
3rd Annual Lighting of Pentecostal Church
Come celebrate the 2nd Annual Lighting of the Pentecostal Church.
Lighting of Memorial Christmas Tree
Join us at the Playground to share in the Lighting of the Memorial Christmas Tree.
Event sponsored by Port de Grave Recreation.