The Story of the Boat Lighting
In the fall of 1999
Port de Grave was selected to become the last port of call for the Viking Ship, the Islendingur, in the summer of 2000. A committee was formed which consisted of 35 people, it had two Co-Chairs Wayne Harbin and Joyce Morgan. Port de Grave would host a celebration like it never had seen before. That fall the Government of Newfoundland sponsored the Festival of Lights, whereby any community that was willing to participate by lighting up their community for Christmas would receive a grant in the amount of $500.00, we decided “what a way to celebrate Christmas by lighting up the Harbour”, and so our story begins
The years before that one lone fisherman Eric Lear would light up his fishing boat, so we thought what a wonderful idea to go to all the Boat Owners and ask them to participate in lighting up their boats. But we couldn’t do this alone, so we took our idea to the Port de Grave Harbour Authority and asked for their assistance, we than became partners in this annual tradition. The Islendingur Committee ceased existence once the celebrations were over, and our committee of 35 dwindled to about 6 people who took over the Harbour Days celebrations for the next 5 years, whereby a week of celebrations were held in the month of August. Joyce Morgan remains at the helm and is Chair of the Port de Grave Boat Lighting Committee to this very day!
Our very first boat lighting Friday, Dec. 10, 1999, we had 36 boats participate, it was such a magical night, I still remember as if it were yesterday. A perfect, flat calm night with the moon and stars shining brightly, there were many people in attendance, there were speeches and singing from St. Luke’s and the Pentecostal Children’s Choirs. Hot chocolate was served and there was a visit from Santa Claus. Silent Night was being sung by everyone and the boats were being lit one by one, such an incredible feeling. Since that very first boat lighting, more fishermen and pleasure craft boat owners have been participating, with more lights and more decorations, some years we have had as many as 70 plus boats lit up.
Due to some boats being sold, we average anywhere between 50 to 60 boats taking part. What an awesome sight when you hit the top of the Harbour Hills coming into Port de Grave! Every year thousands of people come to Port de Grave to view the lights.
During 2020 the year of COVID, people were, guess you can say trapped in their homes, no outings no family gatherings no parties. So, what do you do you take your bubble and go to Port de Grave to see the lights? They came by the thousands, a normal trip to Port de Grave from the lights in Bay Roberts, takes 10 minutes. In 2020 most nights it took almost two hours to get the same distance! During their drive to the harbour, they enjoyed the view on the way, the beautiful, decorated homes, the largest Crabpot Christmas tree in Atlantic Canada, a lobster pot tree, and another smaller version Crabpot Christmas tree.
Getting close to the harbour you come to the Candy Cane house, this house owned by Ellsworth and Dot Petten, has hundreds of candy canes on their property and has become one of the major attractions! In 2022, Ellsworth decorated his lawn with 520 candy canes.
In 2020 we were not permitted to have an Opening Ceremony because of COVID, but that didn’t stop us, we did a virtual one. We had guests’ speakers send us their greeting via video, our musicians shared the sounds of Christmas. For the first time ever, we had a greeting from a Premier, Premier Andrew Furey, along with MP Ken McDonald, and our MHA Pam Parsons. It was shared on Facebook and YouTube; it was watched by thousands around the world. After that people wanted to know if we would be livestreaming the ceremony, unfortunately the internet signal in the harbour is not great. We now video the ceremony and post to YouTube, the next day.
The Port de Grave Boat Lighting is known around the world! It has been showcased on CBC, CBC National with Peter Mansbridge, & Global National. In 2014 Land and Sea did the show "A Gift of Light", this has been aired almost every year since. The Navigator, the Downhome Magazine, in-flight magazine on the American Airlines United Airlines, the Times in England, plus numerous other news papers and websites. Photos have been taken by professionals, amateurs, one photo was in the first 18th out of 19,000 photos in a Global photo contest.
Over the past number of years NTV news has played an important role in our Opening Ceremonies. They come and broadcast live from the harbour, bringing Eddie Sheerr, Sharon Snow and on our 20th anniversary, Toni Marie broadcast the news from the stage area. This has been a major draw especially Eddie! People just love to meet him and flock to where he is. Sharon Snow has taken part and have been known to sing along with our Singers Ron and Natalie Curtis. We are so grateful to also have had Danielle Butt participate.
Station manager Lindsey Andrews have confirmed that this year will be something special! We are so very thankful for their participation in sharing this to their audience across the province and across Canada!
We even have our very own song “Christmas in Port de Grave” written and sung by The Singing Fisherman Wayne Morgan (Red). The latest song "Harbour Lights" written and performed by Brad Tuck and his group; both these songs are very popular around Christmas time.
The Boat lighting has brought comfort to the sick, the lonely and the shut-ins. Seniors homes in the area bring residents by the bus load to see the lights, families come by the carload! We are so delighted, and we would like you to add this to your Christmas list to come and visit us and we look forward to many more years of keeping this tradition going. We are so very thankful to all Boat Owners, Crews, who have taken the time to decorate their boats, year after year! Without them this we wouldn’t be where we are today.
This year we are celebrating our 25th Boat Lighting and we want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who has helped us in anyway over the years. To the organizations Port de Grave Recreation, Fishermens Museum, St. Luke’s Anglican Church, the Pentecostal Church, our Musicians, Singers, Santa Claus, Traffic Control Bay de Grave, Port de Grave Harbour Authority. Thanks to Derek Tucker and his family who have served countless cups of hot chocolate! Only missed one in 25 years! To all our Sponsors and Committee! Thank you to all who have helped in anyway to make the 25th Boat Lighting so special! A very special thank you to all those who have ventured to the Port de Grave Peninsula to see the wonderful Christmas lights!
After all these years, this year we decided to team up with the Port de Grave Peninsula Heritage Society and become a Sub-committee. We felt that working together would benefit both organizations. We also want to thank the PDG Peninsula Heritage Society for adding a wonderful attraction the Crab Pot Christmas tree, a major hit!
We invite you to the beautiful Port de Grave Peninsula to experience the joys of Christmas! “Follow the Light,” please make sure that you visit all the Peninsula it is definitely worth the drive to Blow me Down, Ship Cove and Hibbs Cove!
May the Christmas lights of the Port de Grave Peninsula bring you joy and peace during this blessed Christmas season.
Thank you and on behalf of every person on the Port de Grave Peninsula we would like to wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year!